Thankoffering Worship Services, sponsored by the congregation’s Organization for Women, were offered at each of our worship hours this past weekend. The services are named after the special offering, a Thankoffering, which is collected at the liturgies. The day is intended as an opportunity for women to offer thanks and monetary support for missions and ministries important to them. But it is also a day for the congregation to acknowledge the significant role women play in the life and ministry of our church. The majority of our Sunday school teachers, confirmation leaders, lectors, ushers and church council members are women. Few of our church events, receptions, fairs and projects would be possible without the participation, expertise and organizational abilities our women provide. So, on behalf of the congregation, and especially the men of the church, I wish to express our gratitude to God and our sincere thanks to the women of our congregation. We appreciate you, love you, admire you and are proud of you. Without you, we would not be Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.